Thursday, March 17, 2005

Is Jay Bilas Drunk?

One too many
My man seems to be crumbling during his fourth game in one day. While March Madness vets like Harlan, Dan Bonner, Ian Eagle, and Jim Spanarkle are cruising into the home stretch like a Nigerian marathon runner, Bilas seems to be going out of his mind. Even his partner, the cryogenically frozen Dick Enberg, is holing up better than the former Blue Devil.

First he screamed out "Dee Brown shows his speeeeeed" while doing his best impersonation of Jack Black in School of Rock, then dropped a "Illinois shows their spurtability!" Even worse was that he followed that up with, "Shoutout to Clark Kellogg!"

My man is getting loose. He's screaming, he's riffing, he's straying away from the Bilastrator ... the night can't end fast enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorrry to pull a "Statboy' on you buddy, but I have a couple corrections to your post.

- Kenyan runners are clearly the class of the distance running world, not Nigerians. They are more famous for their soccer player.
- Your use of the term 'holing up' is inappropriate as well. I think you meant 'holding up'. But in the event that 'holing up' is indeed waht you meant, you would be correct in saying that many people 'Hole up' better that Dick Enberg... Marv Albert comes to mind...

Sincerely, Anonymous (b/c I am too embaressed to post using my real name)